Sunday, October 19, 2008

Joseph Smith

"The power of the Gospel will enable us to stand and bear with patience the great affliction that is falling upon us on all sides."
"Let us not sorrow as those without hope."
"Let us be thankful that it is as well with us as it is..."
"Though the soul be tried , the heart faint, and the hands hang down, we must not retrace our steps; there must be a decision of character."
"I ought not to be discouraged but hang on, exercise faith, and keep up good courage and I should come out on the top of the heap at last."
"...Let what will, come; don't deny the faith, and all will be well."

Taken from the Teachings of Presidents of the Church, Joseph Smith manual lesson #19


Jon and Christine Knecht said...

"Though the soul be tried , the heart faint, and the hands hang down, we must not retrace our steps; there must be a decision of character." - this is my favorite part of this quote. Thanks for sharing this. I miss so much mental stimulation not being in relief society ;) You seemed brighter at church today. I hope your trip revitalized your strength of faith.

Marcie said...

I love this idea! Thanks for being a great friend but also an inspiration. Call me when you have the time.